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Paying with watch

What are card machines and how do they work?

Card machines are small, handy devices that let businesses take payments from customers paying by debit or credit cards. Super convenient, they’re where your customer taps their card, enters their PIN or waves their phone or smartwatch to pay for something.

Card machines read the information on a card, securely processing the payment and sending the transaction details to the customer’s bank in just a few seconds. They make transactions quick and easy, attract more customers who prefer cashless payments, and help you organise your finances by automatically tracking sales. They’re a must for any business.

What are the different types of card machine?

Face to face

Fixed card machines

You'll often see fixed card machines at the cash register in shops or restaurants. These card readers are stationary, plugged into one spot on the counter, and so they're perfect for businesses that have a designated checkout area for customers.


Wireless card machines

Wireless card machines bring a bit more flexibility to the table. They use WiFi, Bluetooth or cellular data, so they're not tethered by cables: take them directly to customers, whether they're seated at a restaurant table or browsing in a boutique.

Over the phone

Mobile card machines

These portable devices connect to smartphones or tablets, typically using Bluetooth. They're ideal for market stalls, pop-up shops or anyone trading outside a traditional shop setting, like taxi drivers or tradespeople.

Every way

Smart card machines

These devices combine the hardware and functions of a traditional card machine with extra software features like apps for managing inventory, tracking sales, spotting customer trends and running customer loyalty programmes.

Ways to pay

Visa logo
Mastercard logo
Google Pay logo
Apple Pay logo
Amex logo
Diners logo
Discover logo
JCB logo
Union Pay logo

Security as standard

All Elavon card machines come with the latest, safest security technology, protecting your customers’ data and your business’ reputation. Plus, you’ll reduce the costs of handling cash.

Many ways to pay

With Elavon card machines, you can offer all kinds of convenient payment options to customers, from contactless to digital wallets. Let your customer pay however they want, so you’ll never miss a sale.

Real-time reporting

Make the most of your card machine with Elavon Connect. Our online reporting portal digs deep into your system to give real-time business reports, transaction details, payment settlements and more.

Get the most from your card machine

Ten tips for taking payments

Increase security and reduce fraud by making sure everyone taking payments for your business knows these important points.

Take a hard line on retail chargebacks

Whatever way you trade, the pesky problem of chargebacks can eat into your working day and the funds in your bank account.

The rising popularity of digital wallets

Across Europe, research has found that that digital wallets are the single most popular way of paying when shopping online.

How do I pick the right card machine?

  1. Think about where and how you'll be taking payments. A fixed terminal is great for a checkout counter but, if you're moving around or serving customers at tables, a wireless or mobile device might be more your speed. Make sure your payments system can match your ambitions and can scale up as your business grows.

  2. Watch the overall costs, including purchase or rental fees, how much card machines charge per transaction and any hidden charges. Make sure the card machine fits your budget while offering the best value for your business needs.

  3. Check if the card machine easily integrates with your existing systems, like POS software or inventory management tools. A card machine with added features could streamline your business, but keep it simple if all you need is quick, easy processing.

  4. Reliable customer support is key. Choose a payments provider that offers always-on support, so you’re never left stranded if problems pop up. A solid support team ensures smooth sales, even during busy times.

Customers and their card machines

Birds Bakery: expansion customer story

With plans to grow the bakery chain to 80 stores in five years, Elavon Connect allows Bird Bakery to see transaction details across each of its stores.

Mo’s Pizza: hospitality customer story

Expanding a daytime coffee shop into a pizza restaurant by night was easy with Poynt and Elavon Connect, leaving Mo to focus on the food and his customers.

J. Lupton family butcher: retail customer story

J. Lupton family butcher has been a fixture on the southside of Glasgow since 1977. It needed a queue-busting card machine, backed by excellent customer service.

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“Using card payments is quick and that’s what people want… Elavon manages card payments for all our stores. It gives us confidence to ensure that all our transactions are secure.”

Mike Holling, sales and marketing director at Birds Bakery


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